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Friday, May 4, 2012

May 4th - 5 months old

This little one is getting more and more mobile. Rolling well, first back to front and then front to back, mostly to just the left. During tummy time we turn around our belly button to reach for things. The playmat just wont contain us if we roll more than once or twice. Starting to try to pull herself forward on her elbows and other times she is pushing her bottom into the air. Wonder how long it will be before we are fully mobile. Toes are the newest, greatest toy. We are working on sitting up. Love to sit in mom's lap, but sitting on our own we turn into a tripod that slowly falls over.

Looking to start rice cereal soon, need to pick up the high chair first. Working on using a bottle so dad or others can feed her too. Takes the bottle but seems unsure of the situation, and it makes her much more burpy. Loves to try and hold the bottle or any glass mom and dad have. Tries to help use her own spoon. She seems ready to start food and maybe it will help her weight gain.

p.s. still updating theBump website with growth info and a few pics:  and all the newest pics will go up on Shutterfly and/or Snapfish soon