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Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 4th - 6 mos old

Took longer to get around to this post because we have been busy. Not as many photos for 6 months because we opted to do professional photos.

New this month we are working on staying sitting up on our own, still very wobbly but we are doing better and sitting for longer. We like to sit up in our cradle and rocker instead of leaning back. We are starting to scoot backwards, which can be dangerous when our playmat is at the base of daddy's recliner. Might need to start more babyproofing soon and be more careful about what we leave on the floor.

We got our new high chair and are started on food, we started on baby cereal just after Mother's Day and just after turing 6 months we starting adding carrots. I think sweet potatoes are next on the list to try. We like to have our high chair moved to the kitchen to watch Mom cook or do dishes.