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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Look who is one!


Spent the day with Mommy and Daddy. Went to the zoo, looked at the desert dome building and the aquarium building before we got worn out and then a nap on the way to Chic-fil-a, almost slept though our favorite food, chicken nuggets. Then home for some cake and opening presents. Which was funny to watch since it a new thing to open presents, fun to rip open but its a hard concept that there are more things to open.

Nicollette is walking really well, and has moved on to try to climb everything. She has two bottom teeth and part of two top teeth. Eating more table food, but now we dont want to eat much, which is normal. Recently started whole milk during the day, and seem to like it well enough.

Upcoming trip to see Oma and Opa at the holiday, hope the flights go well.

Thanksgiving parade with Daddy

eatin' sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving
Durham Museum Tree
myBump website Growth Chart see my 12 mos of growth in one page
My Shutterfly ShareSite see all of the wonderful photos of me