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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

And baby makes a family of 5

Quentin Ezra was born Oct 28th at almost 8 in the morning.  He is our only morning baby. We decided not to stay in the hospital the whole time we are allowed since Nicollette and Elijah both had coughs and we didnt want to bring to the hospital because of that. They were excited to meet their new little brother at home. 

big brother and big sister

Quentin is doing well. But adjusting to life with a newborn, a toddler and a preschooler is a learning experience, especially since daddy had to work unusually late most of his first week of life. 

one week old

I have updated our Shutterfly Sharesite if you want to see more pictures. I will probably add some more posts to this blog and back date them so they are in chronological order since I havent been keeping this blog very updated in the last year.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


SO I haven't kept this as updated as I would have hoped, but I love having it to look back at. It is just so busy with a toddler and a preschooler and another on the way to find time to type or even keep up with getting photos off the camera. Yes, another one is due in late October although I keep joking that with my track record that I wouldn't be surprised by early November birth.

Elijah still doesn't talk too much, but his sister was the same way so we aren't too worried.  He seems to be working on those last canine tooth and according to his doctor that just leaves his 2 year molars. Nicollette moved to a twin bed so we moved Elijah to her toddler bed but in his room at least until he is better about staying in it and not bugging his sister. There isn't much room in his sisters room anyway since we opted to for a trundle bed to make it easier to climb into. But he can easily stay in his room until the new baby is probably six months old or so since they usually stay in the Rock n Play in our room that long.

Nicollette will be starting preschool in the fall. So hard to believe how much she has grown up, although she has her days when she doesn't act it :D