She is getting so mobile. She has gotten very speedy at crawling and we had to create a "baby playland" enclosure to keep her safer while she explores. She is cruising along the furniture all the time now and the outside of her exersaucer.
She has two teeth trying to come in. Eating a variety of baby food but still prefers purees. Eating Cheerios but few other finger foods. She is still a little "peanut" as her doctor says.
Speedy crawling through Daddy's leg arch
First attempt at Cheerios, more playing than eating
Playing with Daddy while they Skype with Oma and Opa |
Daddy's "sippy cup"
How much is that baby in the window? |
9 mos old, can you see my teeth?
Cruising the ottomans with my toys
more photos on Shutterfly Sharesite and keep up with her growth on myBump website - see sidebar links
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