Baby Ticker

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Look who is one!


Spent the day with Mommy and Daddy. Went to the zoo, looked at the desert dome building and the aquarium building before we got worn out and then a nap on the way to Chic-fil-a, almost slept though our favorite food, chicken nuggets. Then home for some cake and opening presents. Which was funny to watch since it a new thing to open presents, fun to rip open but its a hard concept that there are more things to open.

Nicollette is walking really well, and has moved on to try to climb everything. She has two bottom teeth and part of two top teeth. Eating more table food, but now we dont want to eat much, which is normal. Recently started whole milk during the day, and seem to like it well enough.

Upcoming trip to see Oma and Opa at the holiday, hope the flights go well.

Thanksgiving parade with Daddy

eatin' sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving
Durham Museum Tree
myBump website Growth Chart see my 12 mos of growth in one page
My Shutterfly ShareSite see all of the wonderful photos of me

Monday, November 5, 2012

Oct 4th -10 mos + Nov 4th -11 mos

October was a busy month, so no 10 mo post. Daddy was very busy at work and Grandma came to visit us from Indiana. We are very speedy at crawling and trying to climb into everything. We had to take the exersaucer away because she keep falling while climbing all over the outside of it. Also gave up on "baby playland" enclosure and moved the ottomans to protect her from things and just watch her more closely as she crawls/cruises around. She is cruising now with just one hand on things and on occasion takes individual steps unassisted before falling down. So walking may not be far away. Grandma got us to play by rolling a ball back and forth, so that is a fun thing to do,for  as long as our attention span is anyway.

Eating more and even enjoying some diced food, mostly when it is mixed into our purees. Willing to trying more and more of mommy and daddy's food when allowed.

Making elephant noises with Daddy is one of our favorite things right now.

Planning is in the works to hopefully make our Holiday trip to visit Oma and Opa as smooth as possible with a 1 year old. Any tips are appreciated.

10 mos old


Pumpkin Patch

Grandma visit

new toy

fell asleep while mommy & daddy where eating

I think she is trying to touch  her nose



11 mos

trying to play with the camera strap
myBump website Growth Chart see my 11 mos of growth in one page
My Shutterfly ShareSite see all of the wonderful photos of me

If you loved the Celebrity Baby Guessing Games I posted during my virtual baby shower then check this out: 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sept 4th - 9 mos

She is getting so mobile. She has gotten very speedy at crawling and we had to create a "baby playland" enclosure to keep her safer while she explores. She is cruising along the furniture all the time now and the outside of her exersaucer.

She has two teeth trying to come in. Eating a variety of baby food but still prefers purees. Eating Cheerios but few other finger foods. She is still a little "peanut" as her doctor says.

 Speedy crawling through Daddy's leg arch

 First attempt at Cheerios, more playing than eating

Playing with Daddy while they Skype with Oma and Opa 

Daddy's "sippy cup"
 How much is that baby in the window? 

 9 mos old, can you see my teeth?

Cruising the ottomans with my toys
more photos on Shutterfly Sharesite  and keep up with her growth on myBump website - see sidebar links

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Aug 4th - 8 mos

She is now 8 month old and doing so much. Sitting up all the time now. She does great at pulling herself up to her knees and now she is pulling herself up to her feet, sometimes even letting go and standing alone for a few seconds. We had to lower her crib since she is standing now. She is crawling a few steps now, especially when trying to get into things she not allowed into, but she seems more focused on standing and walking.

She spends church in the nursery and still doesn't like it but is getting a little better. She sits in a high chair at restaurants now and generally does well using a sippy cup and playing with toys while we eat. I got her a toy piano that she loves. She just loves music.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July - 7 mos old

Growing up so fast. She can sit on our own for the most part. She is trying so hard to crawl, she gets up on all fours  and rocks. She is still pretty mobile though, she scoots backwards and rolls to get into things.  Oma & Opa just visited over the 4th of July. She is eating a variety of baby foods now and seems to really enjoy mealtimes.

We got her to sleep in her room in her crib at night, but hates to be in it any other time it seems. Wakes up some at night though. Really likes a bath just before bedtime, and I think that calming lavender baby soap seems to work. 

She has started to stay awake during church, so we will have to try the nursery soon but she doesn't like being held by other people, so that should be an experience. It took a week for her to let her grandparents hold her.

She loves her playtime with Daddy. She loves to knock over her toy basket, the basket is just another toy to her. She babbles all the time, sometimes it even sounds like words. We got a stroller, so that when it gets cooler we can head to the neighborhood park.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 4th - 6 mos old

Took longer to get around to this post because we have been busy. Not as many photos for 6 months because we opted to do professional photos.

New this month we are working on staying sitting up on our own, still very wobbly but we are doing better and sitting for longer. We like to sit up in our cradle and rocker instead of leaning back. We are starting to scoot backwards, which can be dangerous when our playmat is at the base of daddy's recliner. Might need to start more babyproofing soon and be more careful about what we leave on the floor.

We got our new high chair and are started on food, we started on baby cereal just after Mother's Day and just after turing 6 months we starting adding carrots. I think sweet potatoes are next on the list to try. We like to have our high chair moved to the kitchen to watch Mom cook or do dishes.

Friday, May 4, 2012

May 4th - 5 months old

This little one is getting more and more mobile. Rolling well, first back to front and then front to back, mostly to just the left. During tummy time we turn around our belly button to reach for things. The playmat just wont contain us if we roll more than once or twice. Starting to try to pull herself forward on her elbows and other times she is pushing her bottom into the air. Wonder how long it will be before we are fully mobile. Toes are the newest, greatest toy. We are working on sitting up. Love to sit in mom's lap, but sitting on our own we turn into a tripod that slowly falls over.

Looking to start rice cereal soon, need to pick up the high chair first. Working on using a bottle so dad or others can feed her too. Takes the bottle but seems unsure of the situation, and it makes her much more burpy. Loves to try and hold the bottle or any glass mom and dad have. Tries to help use her own spoon. She seems ready to start food and maybe it will help her weight gain.

p.s. still updating theBump website with growth info and a few pics:  and all the newest pics will go up on Shutterfly and/or Snapfish soon

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April 4th - 4 mos old

Nicollette turned 4 months old just before Easter. She is really playing with her toys and during tummy time she can push herself up onto her hands. Still working on turning over, it is more like falling over. She did it once when she was mad though.