Baby Ticker

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Elijah is 9 mos

He is very mobile. Around Memorial Day when Oma and Opa visited us, he was just rolling and scooting and sitting like a tripod and just a few weeks later he was crawling and really sitting up. Now he is pulling up to standing and trying to cruise along the toy bins and couch. He is eating more baby foods and acts like he could live on Cheerios if I let him. We gave him some baby food pouches to try and he has gotten good as sucking on them, which made our weekend trip to Mall of America a little easier. I forgot a pouch one night for dinner and after some resistance he ate some mashed potatoes.
He says "ba-ba-ba" all the time and has started to say "ma-ma-ma" and "da-da-da" sometimes. He has two tooth on the bottom and at least one tooth coming in on the top.
love my toy at 7 mos
7 mos

7 mos -getting so close to crawling
still kind of a tripod in this pic

tea time with sister at  8 mos

8 mos

time to lower the crib

only one hand to stand up
9 mos old

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