Baby Ticker

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

road trip with a toddler and infant

So we spent  a weekend at Mall of America (and Ikea) and overall it was a pretty good trip, there were a few moments of why did we do this to ourselves though. It was good practice for the roadtrip in August for my brother's wedding reception and our Christmas trip to the in-laws.

Our family room/playroom looks like an Ikea ad now with a tent for Eli, a roadmap rug and a collection of toy boxes with wheels that also stack or divide the space when they dont want to play together.

Bribes are the name of the game with a toddler and our trip long bribe was a teddy bear from Build-a-Bear with  daddy if she was (relatively) behaved at the Mall. Plus we thought it would be a good bonding experience since she is so clingy to me. After we talked her into an actual bear (not a Little Pony), the one she picked only had a display one left, but since I don't think she understood the whole stuffing process/line it worked out. It is two shades of brown with velvety fur including a brown embroidered heart belly button. After they got it I was looking at the care instructions which said it was machine washable if it didn't have any mechanism, so I was feeling around and found it has a box in its paw to make it roar which sounds like a combo of a grizzly and a dino.

Some of the other highlights from the trip include Rainforest Cafe, Bubba Gump, Lego play area, cookie sandwiches, and countless toy stores, we tried to do a little shopping but only ended up with a handful of purchases since a toddler has a short attention span.

We had planned a few other things but then actually seeing them (mirror maze, mini golf) worried they wouldn't be right for her at this age. We think it deserves a future revisit when she is old enough to ride the rides in the Nickelodeon Amusement park in the middle (it looked like fun but we both commented on the outdated theme-ing from shows we don't think are even on anymore) Also we skipped the aquarium this time since it seemed expensive although we kept getting coupons for it.

Rainforest Cafe

"pink car" -Barbie's VW bug

Bubba Gump 

Lego play area

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