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Monday, February 29, 2016

Q is 4 mos old

I have been horrible about updating this.

Quentin is 4 months old now. He rolls both front to back and back to front but since he doesnt do tummy time as often as I would like (hard to work that in with a toddler and preschooler running around him), he can roll to his back when he decides he is done with tummy time but sometimes gets stuck when he rolls from his back to his tummy in his crib and can't seem to remember how to get back, crying for help when he has had enough. He smiles a toothless grin that I can't seem to catch on camera. He has the cutest curly cue belly button. He is usually pretty mellow still although he has had a few instances of prolonged screaming in my ear to which we can't find a cause and end up treating him for teething, gas, and anything else just to calm him down. Luckily he is just as, if not more, go with the flow like Elijah and often naps while I babywear him to run errands with Elijah while big sister, Nicollette, is in preschool two days a week.

Elijah is two and just a helpful and sweet big brother, wanting to give kisses and baby snuggles and hold hands at his own naptime. He is saying more words and using all the cutest toddlerism, especially when he uses his best manners of "peas" and "tanks." While he occasionally says Quentin correctly, he usually calls him baby "Pootin" since he has a hard time with his name.

Nicollette seems to be doing well with preschool. Since we often speak to her like an adult and just wait for her to ask us to explain bigger words, she says some pretty funny things sometimes, repeating in the correct context things we often say to her. Funny just because she says things you don't expect a 4 year old to say.

p.s. I will try to remember to update with photos whenever I get around to putting them from the camera onto the computer

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