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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Q is 7 mos old

So I'm still horrible at updating this, but while I'm thinking of it I will get the words and do the photos later.

In just the last month or so Quentin has learned to really crawl and sit up unsupported and recently pulls himself up requiring his crib to be lowered. He crawls pretty fast making across the (small) playroom in a blink it seems. We are letting him play on the floor more just trying to watch out for the bigger kids and their toys.

Still no teeth but occasional teething pain and lots of drooling and "chewing"

Starting foods seems to have gone well and basically following a similar list to his siblings (I kept a list of first food with each to make it easier to keep track of each single food they had already) He can be a little piggy sometimes. Both eating a good amount and making quite a mess sometime.

Bedtime is a unique challenge since we want him to move the crib in Elijah's room but of course being in our bed or the Rock N Play is more comfortable so the transition continues slowly so there isn't too much crying to wake Elijah (who didnt handle this transition well either - the move to toddler bed was much easier) Trying to work on more and more time sleeping in the crib. Probably doesn't help that the crib is where he plays while everyone gets dressed in the morning. I just read an article that talked about the Rock N Play being a dangerous crutch, I dont really agree with the dangerous part especially since we don't have the one with the plushy insert, but it is hard to take them from the comfortable cozy sleep space after just a few months as planned to the flat stark crib.

Took the chair out Elijah's room since he kept climbing on it, so there is actually more room to play a little in there with the toys I have stored on the bookcase, which just makes getting everyone dressed in the morning take that much longer, but comes in handy if I need to start some laundry or something.

Nicollette finished Preschool and Sunday School for the year. Signed her up for a week of a "princess ballerina" camp at the local dance academy to see how she likes dance. Signed up for the library reading program (which since none of them can read, just means reading to them for 20 minutes each day which we usually already do at bedtime), looking forward to summer library storytimes. Plan to spend some time at the forest. This will be Nicollette's first year for VBS and I volunteered to help. This summer, need to work in all of us walking more to build up endurance for our family vacation this winter.

Oma and Opa visited just before Memorial Day and the forecast was pretty iffy with several thunderstorms forecast but ended up being ok for some outdoor sightseeing at the zoo to see the elephant and some of the new Africa exhibit, a walk on the Bob bridge after a stop at the Lewis and Clark trail site building, eating at the Bohemian Cafe (set to close business soon), and checking out the opening day of a new exhibit at the Durham.

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