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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Mom Advice Question

For all those moms out there: What is that baby product you could not live without? You know, that go to baby shower present, that you think every mom should have. You don't know how moms did it before this product existed.

Leave your answer in the comments. You can comment as an anonymous user if you wish, but make sure to leave your name in the comment itself.


  1. My "must have" (one of many, actually) baby item is the California Baby Non-Burning and Calming Diaper Area Wash. It comes in a spray bottle and is all-natural. It does cost a little more than other diaper-rash products, but it is 100% worth it! I spray it on Jack's bottom during every diaper change, no matter what. It is fantastic! It clears up redness in a day, and it doesn't leave residue, like diaper rash cremes do- I don't even use the cremes anymore. I have the California Baby spray in my diaper bag, and on the changing table. It is WONDERFUL!!

  2. My new must have product is gas drops! They have helped Jack SO MUCH. I don't know how I could stand it if we didn't have those, to give him a little relief.
    Also- Kelly bought a dvd called: "The Happiest Baby on the Block." It was helpful, and I wish we had watched it sooner. Don't waste the $20 on it, though- we are going to send it to you in with the other stuff we have for you!!

  3. @Jack's Grandma - We watched a small part of that dvd in my Childbirth class, and I found an copy of the book at the thrift store, that I havent gotten time to read yet.

  4. I couldnt live without the most besides the gas drops would be a Swaddle! I really think it helped my daughter sleep better at night. Also, I will say if you aren't going to breastfeed & your baby gets really gasy from the formula switch to SOY formula. My daughter was extremely gasy all the time & i had to give her gas drops every bottle. Once I switched her to SOY I havent had to use gas drops once. She has been a very happy baby ever since!!! I wish you the best of luck on this incredible journey! Congrats to you and your husband!!!! I pray for a smooth delivery!
