Baby Ticker

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Potty training battles

1. Some days she wants to try and other days she doesn't care how much candy you bribe her with, a soggy diaper is fine

2. She could care less about the patterns available for pull-ups  (all I can find are Ariel and Doc McStuffins - Minnie seems to only be in a giant box of other patterns in a size that is too big size) and therefore could care less if she pees on them, plus those disappearing images seem to take a lot of pee to make work right, so they are basically just pull on diapers - which they make but I haven't seen in her size in stores

3. maybe the right pattern will work - at the store we picked some generic princess fairy pull ups (from Walmart, she didn't want the generic flowers and frogs ones I found at Target and we don't watch Dora so that was out) and she wanted a pink ladybug potty, I was hoping to stay gender-neutral to reuse for Eli but if she will go on the ladybug, whatever works, it doesn't have a splash-guard so maybe that will help

4. She wants to jump straight to the pretty underwear we bought but still doesn't want to sit on the potty, sorry ponies but she doesn't seem to care about peeing on you either

5. Oma found some cute training underwear (the thick ones that absorb) maybe those are the key, I am sure they will at least come in handy

6. Maybe we just aren't ready still, good thing preschool is still awhile away.

7. Anyone have advice that doesn't involve a naked toddler for three days? At this point I don't think even that will work, plus I am sure that will involve pee on the floor.

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