Baby Ticker

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Elijah turns ONE!

Our sweet little boy is one year old, not a baby anymore, now he is toddler. He can crawl super fast, and he stands, and walk a few steps on his own. He want to climb in  and on all the toy storage containers. He is starting to hold his own against his sister when she plays a little rough. He may only have 5 teeth but he likes to try to eat some of the same food as everyone else.

10 mos old

11 mos

standing on own

he does this sometimes when he gets upset


sister "helping"

unsure about  messy cake

zoo time

day three - getting the hang of cake

cool toy put together - sister wants to play

I want to play with the flags

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Elijah is 9 mos

He is very mobile. Around Memorial Day when Oma and Opa visited us, he was just rolling and scooting and sitting like a tripod and just a few weeks later he was crawling and really sitting up. Now he is pulling up to standing and trying to cruise along the toy bins and couch. He is eating more baby foods and acts like he could live on Cheerios if I let him. We gave him some baby food pouches to try and he has gotten good as sucking on them, which made our weekend trip to Mall of America a little easier. I forgot a pouch one night for dinner and after some resistance he ate some mashed potatoes.
He says "ba-ba-ba" all the time and has started to say "ma-ma-ma" and "da-da-da" sometimes. He has two tooth on the bottom and at least one tooth coming in on the top.
love my toy at 7 mos
7 mos

7 mos -getting so close to crawling
still kind of a tripod in this pic

tea time with sister at  8 mos

8 mos

time to lower the crib

only one hand to stand up
9 mos old

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

in the car for a roadtrip

For our recent car trip to Mall of America (about 7 hours with kid stops) I searched online for things to occupy my toddler and infant in the car (and the hotel). I did find some good ideas but a lot of ideas didn't work for us since both kids are rear-facing and I was worried about choking and projectiles. We have another roadtrip from NE to IN at the beginning of August and a Christmas trip from NE to GA.

So I thought I would make a post about what I did bring. First I pulled things from the house and put some of them away a few weeks before the trip so they would be "new" and then I purchased a few things for this trip. I had a few travel things from trips with just our oldest as well. I try not to bring things I would hate to lose, so lots of things from the dollar store, target dollar spot, ikea, etc. I hand them each just a few toys at a time and then hand them more as them seem to be  done with those or get bored. The oldest knows to put them in them in the middle when she is done with them. Other trips I wrapped up some like presents, this time I didn't. I did use some felt baskets from Easter to hand them some things.
trying out the sponge blocks before the trip

Farm playmat with some plush farm animals

Plus I packed toys for hotel, if your kids are older you could use these in the car, but I like to have different toys from the car so they aren't tired of them.
  • toy figures (like Mickey and friends)
  • ponies
  • zip bin playmat box
  • Little People -duplicates from home
  • kid meal toys
  • mess free coloring (water surprise/water wow or color wonder/imagine ink)
  • magnet drawing (aka magna doodle) I used to use this one when my oldest was younger but now I just use this one
  • crib/stoller toys
  • teething toys
  • rubber ducky (this one tells you if the bath is too hot)
other ideas that I might use when we stay with family at Christmas, either brought by me or ask them to get before we arrive in addition to the handful of toys they have already.

  • cards (flash cards, playing cards, or memory/matching, etc)
  • soft balls such as splash balls
  • sand/water toys like stacking cups 
  • colander
  • measuring cups/spoons 
  • chenille sticks (aka pipe cleaners)
Since the trip at Christmas is longer I might buy some more toys for the trip home such as
if I had more time I found lots of ideas on pintrest for- printable travel games, quiet book pages, felt activities

road trip with a toddler and infant

So we spent  a weekend at Mall of America (and Ikea) and overall it was a pretty good trip, there were a few moments of why did we do this to ourselves though. It was good practice for the roadtrip in August for my brother's wedding reception and our Christmas trip to the in-laws.

Our family room/playroom looks like an Ikea ad now with a tent for Eli, a roadmap rug and a collection of toy boxes with wheels that also stack or divide the space when they dont want to play together.

Bribes are the name of the game with a toddler and our trip long bribe was a teddy bear from Build-a-Bear with  daddy if she was (relatively) behaved at the Mall. Plus we thought it would be a good bonding experience since she is so clingy to me. After we talked her into an actual bear (not a Little Pony), the one she picked only had a display one left, but since I don't think she understood the whole stuffing process/line it worked out. It is two shades of brown with velvety fur including a brown embroidered heart belly button. After they got it I was looking at the care instructions which said it was machine washable if it didn't have any mechanism, so I was feeling around and found it has a box in its paw to make it roar which sounds like a combo of a grizzly and a dino.

Some of the other highlights from the trip include Rainforest Cafe, Bubba Gump, Lego play area, cookie sandwiches, and countless toy stores, we tried to do a little shopping but only ended up with a handful of purchases since a toddler has a short attention span.

We had planned a few other things but then actually seeing them (mirror maze, mini golf) worried they wouldn't be right for her at this age. We think it deserves a future revisit when she is old enough to ride the rides in the Nickelodeon Amusement park in the middle (it looked like fun but we both commented on the outdated theme-ing from shows we don't think are even on anymore) Also we skipped the aquarium this time since it seemed expensive although we kept getting coupons for it.

Rainforest Cafe

"pink car" -Barbie's VW bug

Bubba Gump 

Lego play area

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Elijah is 6 mos old

Hard to believe some days that our little man is 6 months old. He is trying to be a mobile rollypoly. You put him in his crib and come back and his is in a different part of it. He can roll front to back and back to front, but prefers his tummy. The first few days he rolled from back to front I could not catch him doing it, I would lay him down on his back to help his sister with something and then look over and he on his tummy. His also pushing up onto his hands and trying to push up to his knees, so the play yard bassinet had to be removed, I hope he doesn't feel like it is a cage now :D

He loves to remove his sock, can't wait for summer so I don't have to keep track of socks when we leave the house.

We just started cereal and he seems to like it, not sure how much gets in his mouth since he spends the whole feeding time trying to control the spoon.

He is starting to transition to spending the night in his room in his big crib and it is a bit of an adjustment for both of us, but better now than me sleeping on his floor later trying to make him sleep in his crib.

Both my kids are little bookworms

So I didn't mean for  him to be wearing a similar shirt in these photos, but I did remember to take photos on his month birthday (one of the cameras has a bad time-stamp because I took theses all on the 16th):

4 mos

5 mos

6 mos

PS myBump growth chart and photos updated

toddler words I will miss when they are gone

Inspired by this article I thought I should write a list of some of my favorite toddler words:

Bummy = Bunny
Diabers = diapers, Nabins = napkins
Peas = Please
Tissues or ShoeShoe = Thank you
Ald-dem = all of them

I will add more as I think of them :D

Potty training battles

1. Some days she wants to try and other days she doesn't care how much candy you bribe her with, a soggy diaper is fine

2. She could care less about the patterns available for pull-ups  (all I can find are Ariel and Doc McStuffins - Minnie seems to only be in a giant box of other patterns in a size that is too big size) and therefore could care less if she pees on them, plus those disappearing images seem to take a lot of pee to make work right, so they are basically just pull on diapers - which they make but I haven't seen in her size in stores

3. maybe the right pattern will work - at the store we picked some generic princess fairy pull ups (from Walmart, she didn't want the generic flowers and frogs ones I found at Target and we don't watch Dora so that was out) and she wanted a pink ladybug potty, I was hoping to stay gender-neutral to reuse for Eli but if she will go on the ladybug, whatever works, it doesn't have a splash-guard so maybe that will help

4. She wants to jump straight to the pretty underwear we bought but still doesn't want to sit on the potty, sorry ponies but she doesn't seem to care about peeing on you either

5. Oma found some cute training underwear (the thick ones that absorb) maybe those are the key, I am sure they will at least come in handy

6. Maybe we just aren't ready still, good thing preschool is still awhile away.

7. Anyone have advice that doesn't involve a naked toddler for three days? At this point I don't think even that will work, plus I am sure that will involve pee on the floor.

Monday, January 27, 2014

How I keep a toddler busy

Well, I need to keep Nicollette busy while I nurse Elijah, so I have a stash of busy box things (lacing beads, flashcards, aquadoodle, color wonder book, pom pom sorting, etc) but I quickly learned that those don't last long. Sometimes if I do something with her, she is more willing to eat a snack or play on her own so I can nurse Elijah. So I did some Googling to find ideas and started liking toddler blogs on Facebook. Then after spending way to long trying to find an idea I had shared on my Facebook  page to save it. I took the plunge into Pinterest and it is as addicting as I had hoped/feared. So much easier to find toddler ideas and locate them later.

Some things we  have tried:

Felt Snowman
Foam sticker gingerbread baby
Cloud Dough cookies
Cloud Dough cake

felt tree
paper plate fish

pipe cleaners and a colander
Cream of Wheat sand

foam sticks to window with water