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Friday, November 11, 2011

Baby Name Meanings

Below are lists of names and then a list of meanings. Try to match up the correct name to the meaning. There is a set of girl names/meaning and then a set of boy names/meanings.


1. Abigail
2. Emily
3. Kaitlin
4. Sarah
5. Amanda
6. Mackenzie
7. Anne
8. Tamara
9. Vanessa

A. Loveable
B. Daughter of the wise leader
C. Princess
D. Gracious
E. Father’s Joy
F. Pure
G. Flatterer
H. Butterfly
I. Palm Tree


1. Aaron
2. Brandon
3. Drew
4. Gregory
5. Isaac
6. David
7. William
8. Robert
9. Todd

A. Determined guardian
B. Vigilant watchman
C. Enlightenment
D. Beacon Hill
E. Famous brilliance
F. Fox
G. He will laugh
H. Wise
I. Beloved


  1. 1. Abigail- E. Father’s Joy

    2. Emily- G. Flatterer

    3. Kaitlin IDK!!

    4. Sarah- C. Princess

    5. Amanda- A. Loveable

    6. Mackenzie- IDK!!

    7. Anne- D. Gracious

    8. Tamara- I. Palm Tree

    9. Vanessa- H. Butterfly

    B. Daughter of the wise leader
    F. Pure

  2. 1. Aaron- D. Beacon Hill

    2. Brandon

    3. Drew- A. Determined guardian

    4. Gregory- B. Vigilant watchman

    5. Isaac- G. He will laugh (almost named baby this)

    6. David- I. Beloved (I'm in love with a David!)

    7. William

    8. Robert- E. Famous brilliance

    9. Todd- F. Fox

    B. Vigilant watchman
    C. Enlightenment
    H. Wise

  3. Kelly is the winner unless someone beats a score of 12/18

  4. Answers:
    1. E. Father’s Joy
    2. G. Flatterer
    3. F. Pure
    4. C. Princess
    5. A. Loveable
    6. B. Daughter of the wise leader
    7. D. Gracious
    8. I. Palm Tree
    9. H. Butterfly

    1. C. Enlightened
    2. D. Beacon hill
    3. H. Wise
    4. B. Vigilant watchman
    5. G. He will laugh
    6. I. Beloved
    7. A. Determined guardian
    8. E. Famous brilliance
    9. F. Fox
