Baby Ticker

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, November 7, 2011


March of Dimes is one of my personal favorite charities, probably because myself and my brothers were both premature. The current biggest campaign is addresssing prematurity and working to help families have healthy full-term babies. November is Prematurity Awareness Month with November 17th being World Prematurity Day.
Another of their campaigns is the Sounds of Pertussis to help prevent the spread of Pertussis aka whooping cough and encourage everyone, especially those that will be having contact with babies to get their Tdap vaccine. Race to Blanket America is an initiative of the Sounds of Pertussis campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of pertussis to infants. You can create a virtual quilt square and $1 will be donated to March of Dimes. It will take a few days for your square to go live, so you can share your square with others.

We have asked everyone in our families who plans to visit our little one to make sure their Tdap vaccine is up to date. I plan to get my vaccine and I scheduled Patrick a doctor's appointment so he can get his.

1 comment:

  1. Here is the quilt square I created: So please take the time to make your own square and learn about Pertussis.
