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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Diaper Bag

So we discussed the bag for the delivery, but what about the diaper bag. What should be in the diaper bag? What are those things you dont want to forget? What are those little things that make running errands with the little one easier? What are your favorite diaper bag products?

1 comment:

  1. Diapers, diaper wipes(to be honest, I only use these if he poops. I use the California Baby spray instead.) Extra pair of socks- 2 extra outfits (be it a sleep sack or shirt and pants.) A book (I read to Jack ALL THE TIME!) A soft, colorful rattle to show baby, an extra blanket, an extra hat... FIVE pacifiers (Jack continually spits them out, and I have to keep putting them in his mouth in the car.) California Baby diaper wash, hand sanitizer, gas drops. Also, a bottle and a bottle of pre-made formula- I know you'll nurse as I do, but there is NOTHING worse than a starving baby in a setting where you can't "whip it out" (as I call it) to nurse the baby.
