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Monday, November 7, 2011

Advice: Packing the bag

One of my goals this week is to pack my bags for the hospital. So what should I pack?

What are those possibly overlooked must haves for the delivery room, for mom, coach and baby?


  1. I packed clothes for me to wear (sweats, tshirts). They will provide mesh panties and pads. You can bring outfits for the baby, but they will have gowns and things he can wear. Bring a coming home outfit for baby! :)

    I did not bring my laptop, but a lot of people do. I just posted updates from my phone to facebook.

    I brought my pillow, but I am a pillow snob.

  2. I took my pillows- because I can't sleep without them.
    I took a robe, and a nightgown. Also- take your nursing bra!! (I just wore mine there, so I didn't forget!) I brought a loose-fitting outfit to wear home, like (^) said, they will provide the mesh underwear and HUGONGUS pads... (although, I wasn't bleeding much the day I left, and wore my own underwear and just a pad home.)
    I took a hair tie, shampoo and body wash, (it feels so goood to take a shower!) deodorant, camera and camera charger, phone and phone charger, and some DVDs. You should have a dvd player in your room- and I felt it really helped to pass the time.
    I also, for baby, took my own sleep sacks. This is because I planned on taking a gazillion pictures, and I didn't want him in the basic hospital get-up.
    OH! I also took snacks. I had pistachios and m&m's, also pretzels. I would suggest taking a few different things to munch on, also change for Patrick- incase he wants something out of the vending machines!!

  3. ALL OF THE ABOVE WHAT KELLY SAID. Plus, i found bringing chapstick very HELPFUL. comfy clothes are amazing for after baby or gowns while you are still in hospital.
